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70 reasons to visit Belize!

1. ColourDSC_5343 (1).JPG

2. Mayan Civilisation

3. Belikin Beer

4. Big Birds…

5…and Little Birds

6. Big Animals…

7…and Small Animals (ok -maybe not this guy! [tarantula in its nest!])

8. Sunsets

9. Sunrises

10. Rasta Colours

11. Party Beaches…

12… or Empty Beaches

13. Fishing…

14… or Eating Fish…

15…or Looking at Fish

16. Small Airports

17. Friendly People

18. Great Accommodation

19. Rum Cocktails

20. Cookery Lessons

21. Water taxis

22. Markets

32. Wide Rivers…

24…and Narrow Rivers

25. Mennonite Culture

26. Fruit

27. Hammocks

28. Lego Houses

29. Reggae

30. Fried Chicken

31. Exotic Plants

32. Waterfalls

33. Warm Clear Water

34. Deserted Islands

35. Reefs

36. Car Ferries

37. Hot Tubs with a View

38. Marie Sharpe’s Hot Sauce

39. Cycling

40. River Swimming

41. Guided Tours…

42…Or off on your own

43. Nachos

44. Swimming Pools

45. Seaweed Punch

46. Self Driving!

47. Rural Towns

48. Jungle Lodges

49. Water Activities

50. Coastal Resorts

51. Night Tours

52. Street Food

53. Colourful Bars…

54…and Restaurants…

55…and Coffee Shops

56. Art…

57…and Craft

58. Beans

59. Village Churches

60. Coconut Water

61. Murals

62. Spices

63. Coral

64. Nature Trails

65. Sea Breezes

66. Fry Jacks

67. Colourful Buses

68. Sun Worshippers

69. Places to chill…

70…and Places for Reflection

If there’s nothing above that catches your attention,  then,  I’m sorry to say,  but Belize might not be for you!!



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